Monday, January 21, 2008

The House Fairy

This is an amazing marketing concept. I wish I'd thought of it. I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of telling Aliya and Adlani to clean up their rooms. Believe it or not, thanks to the House Fairy, I only have to occasionally remind them that they should clean up their rooms in case the House Fairy chooses today to come for an inspection. They love to watch the videos on her web-site, and the day she did stop by was just about as exciting as a visit from Santa. The lollipops she left as a reward were enough to keep them in the habit of picking up EVERY DAY!! And all for $10 for 2 years of access to the site. Check it out!!

If the number of satisfied customers on the web-site is accurate, this marketing genius has earned $117,120 for buying a few props at the after-Halloween sale and making some amateur videos. I think I could be wildly successful as the Doorknob Fairy. Watch for me on the World Wide Web!
Update: Aliya pointed out to me tonight that "doorknob" has a "K" in it...therefore it should be "dork-nob." What's she trying to say??

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