Monday, September 28, 2009

Costa Rica or BUST!!!

I don't usually post in the morning, but today I'm going to put aside the fact that I have a clogged sewer pipe, dishes and laundry that can't be done because of said pipe, kids home from school (Yom Kippur), a conference call at 8:30 and a class to prepare for. OM........

Instead, I'm going to think about Costa Rica. A few years ago with our 40th birthdays approaching, my friend Sherry and I started talking about taking a trip to Costa Rica. I used the same strategy for my 30th birthday (African safari) and it really took my mind off the milestone.

The night I received the suprise of my life and found out I was pregnant with Norah, my fourth thought (after "How are we going to afford 3 kids in day care?", "Can I add another kid to the mix without ending up institutionalized?", and "AAAACH! I've got to give birth again!") was "I hope Sherry doesn't go to Costa Rica without me!!"

Luckily, she didn't, and I hadn't really thought about it much. But last week she received an email about a travel deal to Costa Rica ($499/person + fees), and forwarded it to me with a note that she was just daydreaming. WHAT?! $499 for a week away? I'd pay that even if it was for a trip to Worcester!  Why daydream when you can pull out your Visa card and start living the dream?!
It took a couple of emails to convince her that I was serious, and then an email from Sherry convincing herself that it wasn't a completely crazy idea. Less than 24 hours later we were booked for a February 4th departure. YAY!

It's amazing how having something like this to look forward to puts everything else into perspective.  It's going to be an amazing trip, and I know Sherry and I will be great traveling companions.  If you're not sure whether you've met Sherry, she's the one who looks like my sister.  We've known each other since college, and lived together for a while before I left Vermont.  We are both easy-going and low-maintenance, and we always have a blast together.

Only 129 days to go!!

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