Monday, October 12, 2009


Norah has finally reached a milestone that I never thought I'd see.  When Adlani was a baby I was constantly marking the progress we were making...the last can of formula, moving from the (extremely heavy) infant seat to a regular car seat, and all of the typical milestones...first words, first steps, etc.  When we found out that Norah would be arriving in about 8 months, I had been obsessively counting the months until we'd be done with "double-day care."  We started focusing much less on the milestones, either because all hell had broken loose and we barely had the time to notice anything, or because we were superstitious that if we started counting the months of double-day care again we'd get another little surprise.  
Well, we finally made it to one kid in day care (actually preschool) a few months ago (don't worry...we haven't let our guard down) and Norah recently reached a milestone that I was SO EXCITED about...she can go to swimming lessons without one of us getting into the pool with her.  No more suiting up for 8 a.m. lessons on Saturday morning.  No more walking around with the swim cap imprint on my head.  No more looking at hairy daddies in the pool.  YIPPEE!!!  YAY Norah!

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