Saturday, November 1, 2008

"I want my present now!!"

I spent 3 days this week in Indianapolis, preparing for and teaching a 2-day class on building code requirements for doors (Woohoo!!). Even though it took me HOURS to create the presentation, something similar to an NFL playbook to keep the household running while I was gone, and a refill on my public speaking / flying prescription, it was almost like a mini-vacation for me. None of my students needed to be wiped, force-fed, or repeatedly told to do anything. My coteacher dressed himself, made it to breakfast on time without bribery or threats, and packed his own backpack without going to time-out. I only had 6 cubic feet of stuff with me so my room was always neat, and nobody left poop in the toilet or toothpaste in the sink. I went to bed between 10 and 11 p.m. instead of 2 and 3 a.m., with no feet in my face and nobody wetting my bed. I can't remember the last time I had an hour to dress myself and get to breakfast. I did my hair, put on makeup, and wore clothes that nobody had wiped their nose on. And several times a day I heard how wonderful I was and people actually THANKED me for my time and effort.

I did miss my peeps but it was a nice change of pace.


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