Saturday, June 21, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Yesterday, Elijah and I spent most of the day with Adlani at the walk-in clinic and labs. We let the Motrin wear off and he was in pretty rough shape with a temp of 104.6. The doctor sent us for a strep test which came back negative, so she sent us to the lab at the hospital for a CBC (complete blood count) and blood cultures. The results of the CBC indicated something viral vs. something bacterial, so she told us to just continue with the Motrin and fluids. He seemed to be improving during the night, and he's just about back to normal today. The amazing thing about the medical experience here (in Tennessee) is that it wasn't completely overcrowded like the hospitals in Massachusetts. There was noone waiting in the hospital admissions area or in the lab. There were plenty of parking spaces right outside the door. There was even a nice young lady to walk us to the lab. Adlani wasn't a big fan of the blood draw but with me holding his head while covering his eyes, his free arm, and one leg, and Uncle Elijah holding the other arm and leg, we got it done. The staff had a lot of fun with Adlani's name...I guess they don't see too many Greenabderrazaks around these parts.

When I finally got the kids into bed last night we had a rousing game of Pictionary with the girls coming through slightly ahead of the boys. I had forgotten how much I missed playing games.

Today the kids slept really late - 10:30! - and then we took a trip down to see the rest of the goats and (giant) puppies. Aliya's day took a turn for the worse when she stepped in poop of unknown origin, but after a bath and a nap I think they'll be ready for the big party tonight.


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