Sunday, June 1, 2008

We Have Prevailed!! (We Hope)

I mentioned in an earlier post that we found carpenter ants at our camp last weekend. I took the day off from work on Friday and went out to meet the exterminator and get started on the new ceiling. This was the welcoming committee that greeted me at the door. Luckily they all fell victim to the ant bombs Ben and Bernie set off. While I waited for the exterminator I checked out our own gigantic ant farm on the underside of the insulation. It was actually pretty cool if you're into that kind of thing. You could see the pathways and chambers of the colony, with the stacked up empty cocoons, eggs being carried by adult ants, and larva - all frozen in place. $350 later, we're guaranteed ant-free for 2008.
Bernie and I worked for two days until our entire bodies ached, but we finally got the new ceiling up and it looks really nice. It looks so nice that now we need to do something with the walls, floors, and furniture. Not to mention those hideous "hand-hewn" beams. Oh well...maybe next year.


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