Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hey Santa!!!

The other day after picking Norah up at Lina's we saw two beautiful doe right around the corner from her house. It's a pretty dense residential neighborhood right off of Edgell Road, but there is a small area of open land nearby. The two deer were standing right in someone's front yard. Even after growing up in Vermont and seeing plenty of deer in my lifetime, it's still exciting to spot wildlife. The kids were freaking out and Norah yelled "Hey Santa!!!".

I can't wait to take the kids on safari in Africa so they can see elephants and wildebeests on the side of the road. Seriously, that's what it's like. You're just driving along and "Hey! There goes a giraffe!" Once when we were sitting in camp an elephant meandered by, and we also had campsite visits from hippos, bush pigs, and hyenas, who almost ate me on my way back from the bathroom. We also had a leopard cross in front of our jeep, and an elephant charge out of the bushes and threaten us. I was in the front of an open jeep with the guide and after the elephant ran off the guide said, "Mock charge." I asked him how he knew it was a mock charge and not a real one and he said, "Because the elephant didn't pick you up out of the jeep." We eventually got used to seeing wild animals everywhere. When I was in the taxi after landing at Logan, I saw a crow on a telephone wire and my first reaction was that it was a monkey.

When I was looking for a deer picture to add to this post, I found this very cool shot:

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