Monday, January 26, 2009


Over the weekend I kept having chest pains but since I didn't die I figured they weren't indicative of a heart attack. This morning I went to see Dr. Bob (my chiropractor) and I had SEVERAL SUBLUXATED RIBS! What's up with that?! I'm feeling so old!

At Dr. Bob's office I met an 85-year-old lady named Shirley. She told me all about the assisted living complex where she lives. She said the only bad thing was that her friends and neighbors keep dying - 8 people in just over a year. Isn't that sad?

Update: According to Dr. Bob, it's very likely that Ben caused my subluxated ribs when he inexplicably LIFTED ME off the ground. That's ironic, because he's the one who spent the weekend complaining that I was unable to perform my wifely duties in the matter to which he has become accustomed.

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