Thursday, April 23, 2009

The I.R.S.

I haven't talked much about this on the blog because it just sucks so much, but some of you have heard my sad story about trying to clean up the mess created by someone (who will remain nameless) who used my social security number to collect rental income in my name to avoid a tax levy. I was extremely hurt by this abuse of my trust, and it was SO FRUSTRATING to try to work through the situation with the IRS. Every time I'd fill out their form saying that it was not my income, they'd send me another one back saying, " you agree with adding this under-reported income to your gross income." It was obvious that nobody read what I wrote, even though I made numerous calls and followed their instructions to the T.

Well, my patience paid off. Today I received a "Closing Notice" from the IRS. It says that I'm all set - it's over - I'm done. I actually called the IRS when I received the letter because I wanted to make sure that I was all set for BOTH tax years that this fraud was committed. The representative told me that yes, I really was all set, and for both years. Yay.

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