Wednesday, April 22, 2009


When I wrote the post about seeing my midwife at Drumlin Farm, I looked for a post that talked about my I.U.D. experience so I could link to the story rather than embarrassing myself all over again. To my shock and amazement, I never wrote about it on the blog! I know it happened before I started the blog, but I was sure I had relived it at least once. To get the full effect, I went back to my email from November of 2006, when I described my experience to Karen:

"You won't BELIEVE what happened. I had an appointment with the midwife at 2 to have my IUD put in. I think I told you, I got her to write me a prescription so I could buy the IUD from a Canadian pharmacy for less than half price. That turned out to be a big controversy with their billing departmant, and the midwife got in a little trouble for writing me the prescription.

At 12:30 I laid down to feed Norah and I fell asleep. I woke up at 1:15 and panicked a little because I had to leave in 15 minutes. I changed, put everything I needed for the midwife and my office in a bag, and ran out the door thinking about how starving I was and what I was going to eat. I got to the midwife's and realized that I forgot the bag. I was sooooo upset.

When the receptionist told me she'd have to reschedule for 11/28, I started crying. She told me she'd go check with the midwife and the midwife said that her 3 o'clock appt. had come at 2, so I could go home, get the IUD and be back by 3. I cried halfway home because I was so mad that I had wasted the hour to drive there and back. I feel like every minute of my time is double-booked and it just really upset me.

So I went back to the midwife's and when she came in to see me I apologized and said, "I hope you don't think I'm a sexaholic and can't wait 2 more weeks to have the IUD put in." She said the thought never crossed her mind and when the receptionist told her I was crying she knew it was because I'm really busy and was upset that I drove all the way there without it.

Anyway, I can finally cross 'Get IUD' off my to-do list. It has been on the list for 2 years. It wasn't bad at all.

- Lori "

For the record, ordering the IUD from Canada cost me $264 and my midwife's office charged $585 for the exact same one. I went even farther back in my email to find a poem that I sent to Karen when I got the surprise of my life and found out that I was pregnant with Norah. Karen had recently tripped over some of the kids' crap and broken her ankle, so with the subject, "A little poem to cheer you up..." I sent the following original poem:

"When I heard you'd hurt your foot, I felt so sad for you,
Hobbling on just one leg, it's hard enough with two.
So much to do, it all piles up, the work is never done,
When you've finished your to-do list, there's no time left for fun.
At least you didn't procrastinate, you got your IUD,
If you hadn't done that, you might be me.

Now, doesn't that make you feel better?

- Lori"

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