Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Sign?

I've mentioned before that I believe in *signs*, spirits, after death communications, whatever words you want to use to describe the connection with people who have died. It's not like I'm a ghost-hunter or I gather the kids around for Friday night seances (Hey! Maybe I'll dig out my Ouija board for Aliya's next sleepover!), but I do believe in some sort of "life after death."

This morning on the way to school Aliya was asking a lot of questions about ghosts. She had seen a TV show about kids who tried to investigate hauntings, etc. I told her that the day Bernie died, I was laying on the bed in the hotel room, feeling numb with shock and grief, not really asleep but not fully awake either, and I felt him squeeze my knee and heard him say, "Love ya, kid." It was SO real. Seriously.

So this morning when I was talking about it in the car, I started to cry a little. Then the most freaky thing happened. I turned the next corner, and in the sky right in front of us, beginning in the middle of the windshield and extending straight down was a piece of a rainbow. A rainbow? In the winter? When it hadn't rained or snowed?  Really?

I don't know about you but I don't see rainbows very often. They are one of the magical things that you can't just buy or conjure up at will. To see one in that context really made me wonder (again) if Bernie was sending his love.

Hello From Heaven
After Death Communication Research Foundation

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