Saturday, April 3, 2010

29 Gifts, Day 11 - Cancer Sucks

In case you're just tuning in, I'm working on a challenge that entails giving a gift each day for 29 days.  Today is Day 11.  Read on to see what my gift for today was, and why my husband and son are virtually bald...

I found out this week that one of my oldest (in years of friendship, not age) and dearest friends has Leukemia.  She's a young, vibrant, healthy, beautiful mother of two boys, and she's attacking cancer head-on.  I know that her strength, positive attitude, sense of humor, and all of the people who love her will see her through, but the treatment will be extremely tough.

My gift today was to assemble a care package to send to her.  I can't say what's in it in case she's reading this post, but Ben and Adlani decided to get into the act and help out too:

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