Friday, January 29, 2010

Museum of Science

Today was an early release day for the kids, so I played hooky for a few hours and took them to the Museum of Science.  It didn't feel like I was playing hooky considering the number of evening meetings I've gone to lately.  Anyway, we had free admission because we have a membership to another science museum, so we only had to pay for the admission to the Harry Potter exhibition, which was $66 (!!!) for the 4 of us.  Come to think of it, it didn't feel like free admission either but I guess it would have been worse without the membership.

The Harry Potter exhibition was really cool though, and the best investment was the audio tour.  The kids each had a little handheld gizmo, and each exhibit had a number that you could punch into the gizmo and hear about the exhibit.  The exhibit was fully staffed by British-accented guides so that added a nice touch.  We weren't allowed to take any photos in the exhibit, but I found pics on the internet of two of my favorite parts - Dobby the House Elf, and the Mandrakes (the squeaking really adds to their ickiness). 

The museum was not busy at all so it was very low-stress, no lines, no whining.  We spent about 3 hours total and everyone was exhausted so I think the timing was just right.  At 5 o'clock there was an announcement that the museum was closing and you've never seen 3 kids hightail it out of anywhere as fast.  I think they've seen Night at the Museum too many times.  They were sincerely afraid of being locked in, and having to ward off the dinosaur skeletons, stuffed bears, and the family of beavers.

On the way home we hit a complete white-out just after the Weston tolls - freaky!

Here are a few photos:

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