Monday, February 1, 2010

12-Hour Stomach Bug

When your little petri dishes come home with the 12-hour bug that's going around, give them a little extra sympathy and TLC because IT SUCKS!!!  I woke up Saturday morning all ready to go to Zumba and before I was even vertical I got that not-so-fresh feeling and spent the next hour "indisposed."  After the initial purge I was walking around the house yakking into a bowl which Ben found completely disgusting.

Unfortunately, Ben had to drop his car off to be cleaned so I sucked it up and drove the 2 miles to pick him up.  As soon as we got to Scrub-A-Dub, Adlani turned green and needed to borrow my bowl.  Not good. 

Aliya had it two weeks ago and was sick during the night and fine the next day.  Norah had it on Thursday night and was good as new on Friday.  It didn't slow Adlani down until he tried unsuccessfully to eat a donut and even then he was basically going about his regular activities except eating. He explained it to Ben as, "The food in your stomach starts coming up your neck and when you open your mouth to eat something, the food from your stomach falls out."

I was knocked out for a full 12 hours, literally laying in bed with my head under the covers.  I appreciate a good clean-out once in a while, but this one was terrible!  I had stomach pains all day and couldn't face food (could barely even choke water down) until 7 at night.  And then...good as new!  It was so strange how it knocked me out and then it was gone.     

When I finally got out of bed I felt like crawling right back in...or jumping out the window.  I don't know what everyone else did all day but every single piece of everything owned by anyone was on the floor in every room.  Ugh. Where's my vodka spray?

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