Friday, February 5, 2010

La Fortuna & the Arenal Volcano

The drive from San Jose to La Fortuna was like no other road I've ever seen. I had been wondering why the estimated travel time seemed so long for such a short distance. I got my answer. THANK GOD we paid extra to get a GPS. It was very helpful in getting us through the city without getting lost, but the real value was once we were driving through the mountainous areas. The GPS showed the hairpin turns that were coming up - Sherry commented that the screen on the GPS looked like intestines. It also announced the speed bumps (two in front of each school), "dangerous bridges," - all one-lane, and on two occasions the "road sinking ahead."

To make things even more exciting, there were absolutely no shoulders and the roads were really narrow. Half the time there was another car or truck in our lane. There were no sidewalks so there were people walking, kids running, and dogs standing in the road. Not to mention the mules, chickens, and even a pig which were hanging out on the side of the road ready to dart out in front of us. Sherry drove all the way and she didn't run over anyone or even a chicken. I helped by pressing my imaginary brake.

We arrived at the Volcano Lodge around 2, and we were headed out for a hike at 3:40 so we settled in and got a half hour nap. The hotel is really beautiful, especially the grounds. There are crazy big flowers growing everywhere, and the reception lady told us that if we walk around early we may see monkeys!

The tour company came to take us on our hike and we were with a family from Denver. Our guide, Noellia, knew all about the volcano and the local birds and animals. While we were looking at the volcano and taking pictures - it erupted!! It sounded like thunder and smoke came out the top and boulders tumbled down the sides. Amazing!  It was like someone added the baking soda to the science fair project just for us.

Tonight we went to dinner at the Springs, a hot springs resort. It is the most gorgeous resort I've ever seen, and it was EMPTY. I don't know why. It's getting great press as being one of the best places to stay. We had a nice dinner and soaked in the pools for a while. Sherry isn't feeling well so she's trying to sleep it off right now so we can head out on our next adventure in the morning.

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