Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bonus Day!!!

Our flight from Atlanta to Boston was cancelled because of the threat of snow, so we were *forced* to spend an extra day in San Jose.  The city is not really someplace you'd want to spend a day of vacation, but we ventured about 45 minutes away to the Cafe Britt coffee tour, and Zoo Ave, which is a rehabilitation and breeding center for animals and birds.

The coffee tour was great.  We learned a lot about how coffee is grown and processed, and the people leading the tour were hilarious.  It was almost like a show, with skits about coffee's history.  I was so glad we had the extra day to fill so we could go to Cafe Britt.  We had lunch there, with super-awesome giant iced mochas.  YUM!!!

The zoo was nice - not too big, but a few good photo ops.  There was only one family there that we saw, so we had the place to ourselves.  We saw the *resplendent qetzal* which is the national bird and very exciting to see in the wild.  Less so in a cage, but at least we saw one.  Sherry had a glimpse of one in Monteverde but I was busy buying a rain poncho for my backpack. 

In addition to today's unexpected activities, we also went to Jacó Beach yesterday which we hadn't planned on doing.  It was REALLY HOT, but we had a nice lunch at the TacoBar and spent a little time on the beach.

I think we've milked every bit of enjoyment out of this vacation and I will miss being on Tico Time.  If I could only figure out how to live like a Costa Rican in the 'Ham.

Pics below.

The drive from Monteverde was a little scary but SO BEAUTIFUL!

The road got better (paved!) but we still had the cows to deal with.

Jacó Beach

Our guides for the coffee tour...

Our awesome mochas frias.

The Zoo


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