Friday, August 31, 2007

Where The Wild Things Are

Last weekend Karen and I had a last-minute girls' weekend at camp. Vic and Sydney were camping with Nelson, and Ben had to work, so Karen and I took off Saturday morning with my 3 + Shane. After surviving the Libderrazak family weekend in July I figured this would be a piece of cake. Same 600 square feet but only 4 kids and 2 adults instead of 6 kids and 4 adults, and hopefully no vomiting.

The kids had a ball but I think I can speak for Karen when I say that I was very happy when they fell asleep. :) Finally - Mommy-Time! We stayed up late chatting...I'm having a hard time remembering about what. My favorite line of the night was when Karen asked if I wanted another glass of wine and I guess I said "yes" because she said, "Ok...Just one more bottle." We woke up in the morning fresh as daisies and she said, "Wow! Look at all these empty bottles!" A good time was had by all and we're hoping to make it an annual event.

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