Wednesday, December 26, 2007

We Got The Party With Us

The Friday before Christmas was the date of the long-awaited Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus concert at the DCU Center in Worcester. After listening to Aliya and Victoria's constant bickering on the ride to Worcester and throughout dinner, I for one was wondering why Karen and I didn't spend the $300 on a spa day for ourselves. We arrived during the Jonas Brothers warm-up act, and at that point I realized that I had never attended the performance of a pop idol. The squealing and screaming each time one of the brothers executed a karate kick or half-split were deafening. Our seats were directly under the platform for the spotlights - centered right on the stage. The seats in that area are so steep that there were no heads in front of us and the girls could stand up without obscuring the view of the people behind us. One negative was that my head was on the same level as the boot of the kid behind me so I got quite a few kicks to the skull.

After a few Jonas Brothers songs there was a 20-minute intermission while the crew set up for the headliner. We were back in our seats just in time for Hannah to drop down in a box from the ceiling while the crowd went wild (this review accurately describes the noise level in the DCU Center as "the kind of squealing rarely heard outside of a pig farm" Cigarette lighters have been replaced with lit cell phone screens and multi-colored lightsticks...the effect was very cool and likely resulted in less blistered thumbs and singed hair. I have to admit, I'm now a 40-year-old fan of the "product" that the Disney Channel has created. She's cute, she can sing, she seems like a nice kid (from what I saw on Oprah), so as long as Billy Ray keeps her away from the fast girls over on Nickelodeon, she should continue to be a hot ticket.

1 comment:

Rocca's said...

This is Jessica Rocca, of course I remember you! I went to this concert too believe it or not haha. With my little cousins. We all had tons of fun! I have videos from it on my Youtube account if you're interested in watching them.

Me and my dad were just looking at all the pictures of your kids, we think they should all be little models!