Friday, January 25, 2008

Everything's Better on Ice

Santa brought tickets to "Nemo on Ice" for Adlani and "Princesses on Ice" for Aliya. Coincidentally, he also brought Nemo tickets to Shane, so Karen and I took the boys at the end of December. After surviving the bickering of the Hannah Montana wannabees, the boys were a piece of cake. Two $7 swords and some overpriced snacks and they were all set. We had lunch at the Fours and then called it a day.

I was a little worried that Aliya would notice the multitude of size 2T-4T princess dresses but we made it to our (front-row!) seats without her asking why Santa didn't bring her tickets to "High School Musical on Ice" instead. I had another scare when the crown that came with the $10 cotton candy didn't fit on her head, but Norah broke it about 10 minutes after we got home so she hasn't had a chance to question it.

I actually thought the show was great! Although some of the *magic* she might have experienced a couple of years ago was replaced by questions like, "Why isn't it called Belle and the Beast? What's a beauty anyway?", I had plenty of uninterrupted time to ponder how they keep their wigs on during the spins, what the princes are holding onto during the overhead seated lifts, and the fact that belly hair on Princess Jasmine's (male) court was just wrong.

There were a couple of parallels between the two shows...during intermission Adlani stood up on his chair and screamed excitedly, "LOOK MOM!!! A ZAMBONI!!!", while Aliya said, "What the heck is that?" The strangest was that the family sitting directly in front of us at Nemo (at the Fleet Center in Boston) was sitting next to us at Princesses (at the DCU Center in Worcester). Coincidence? I think not.

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