Saturday, April 19, 2008

Time Flies When We're Having Fun!

Seriously...where does the time go?? I'm aware that it's Friday, because that's the night Ben takes the kids upstairs for movie night and I have "a night off" a.k.a. catch up on laundry, write blog entries, maybe read a few chapters and hopefully go to bed (alone!!) at a decent hour. I recognize Sunday because that's when I get everything ready for, backpacks, lunch money, etc. Everything else is a blur until Thursday, when I have Adlani and Norah home and I basically start work at naptime and work into the wee hours. TIME FLIES!!! I feel the urgent need to slow it down before time runs out.
We've been doing lots of fun stuff...I'll start with the most recent and work backward.
Last weekend we went to the Big Apple Circus. If you haven't gone, GO!!! I have gone every year for about 12 years. It's fabulous! It's different every year and I've never been disappointed. It's a wonderful charity and I join every year, which gives us access to great seats at a discount, plus the annual member party where we get free food and drinks, entertainment, face painting, and a lovely parting gift for the kids (lunch bags this year). Adlani even overcame his fear of clowns at the member party. During the show, I was asked to participate by raising an umbrella before a clown spit a mouthful of water on me. The kids were so surprised and excited. It was a blast.

The first weekend of the month we "dropped into art" at the Danforth Museum. The girls made sculptures of animals which took so long that we didn't get to see any of the art! We'll be back next was a lot of fun - and FREE!

Before that, we had a date with Zineb at Chuck E Cheez (one of my least favorite places). If you don't know Zineb, she is our niece and she lived with us for about a year when she was a junior in high school. I hadn't seen her in a while and I'm so proud of what a beautiful woman she has grown up to be. She works at Tufts Dental School and is engaged! The kids are in love with her and we had a great time getting reacquainted.
Easter weekend was a crazy whirlwind. We had 2 egg hunts, Lindsey's birthday party, a swimming lesson, and Easter dinner. It was chaotic, but fun. We still have about 5 pounds of jelly beans and we all need emergency visits to the dentist. I actually just went through a dental ordeal...a toothache, a filling and a cleaning, another toothache (same tooth), antibiotics and Tylenol with Codeine, a root canal, a post, a temporary crown, and a permanent crown. I spent 8 HOURS in the dentist's chair. At least I was able to track down my favorite dentist who changed practices after her maternity leave.
Here are some pics from Easter weekend:


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