Monday, February 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home?

We had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to catch our flight from San Jose to Atlanta, but we made it home by 5:50 p.m. with no weather problems or mechanical difficulties.  Ben and Norah picked us up at the airport, and Adlani and Aliya were anxiously waiting for us at home with Nikki.  Sherry decided to drive home to VT that night - she was still not feeling great so I'm sure she wanted to spend the night in her own bed.

I'm having a little trouble reacclimating.  I spent a whole week without yelling at anyone, repeating myself, or being late.  I never once told Sherry to brush her teeth, and now I'm saying it 60 times per day.  And it makes me even more furious than it did before I left.   

Work is overwhelming but I'm having a hard time getting worked up about it.  I have 148 emails that need to be handled, along with 57 items on my to-do-immediately list.  There are at least100 items on my other to-do list but that list has basically become a list of stuff I need to do before I die because I never get a chance to look at it with all of the stuff that needs to be done immediately.

I could have spent this weekend working through a few items on my list or at least washing the laundry from my trip, but I haven't even unpacked.  Yesterday I organized a bunch of my vacation photos into a book of colors for Norah's preschool class.  Today I set up my new website for fire door inspection,  I also went to Zumba both days, so I guess that's something.

While I was away I got an email from work with the URGENT symbol and lots of exclamation points.  I didn't have the needed document with me and didn't have a way to procure it until I got home.  I responded to my co-manager that I was feeling no sense of urgency about the emergency and he emailed back, "Oh no! What have they done to you? You get home right this instant…no more fun for you."

I need to win the lottery so I can fulfill my dream of shedding all of my stuff and my tasks, packing everyone up and riding off into the sunset.  Who cares if they don't brush their teeth?  They're eventually going to fall out anyway, right?

I didn't realize what a great photo I got of this sloth until I looked at the photos on my computer yesterday.  Awesome!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate going away just for this reason - the re-entry is just SO HARD! You come home and realize just how much work it all is. Ack!