Monday, October 1, 2007

You Might Think It's Funny, But It's Really Wet & Runny...

The nurse from Adlani's school called me this morning to tell me that he had a diarrhea accident. Ick. She said if it happened again I'd have to come pick him up, and after lunch I got another call. When I got to school the teacher said, "I hope you're not going anywhere because he's wearing 'floods' "...apparently that's the local term for "high waters". He had exhausted his clothing supply so he was wearing size 2T pants and undies from the lost and found. He looked hilarious.

As we were walking down the hall to leave he said, "When I was outside my teacher wouldn't let me go potty so I went to play and suddenly I heard poop coming out of me...I wouldn't want to eat it for dinner." Where does he get these ideas? Boys are ODD!!!

The great thing is that he is now officially old enough for me to work at home while he's here. He played in his room for a little while and then took a nap. I didn't miss a beat...and due to my new brain - my beloved Blackberry - I didn't miss a phone call or email either. When I'm juggling kids, Ben, architects, my coworkers, and everyone else who wants a piece of me, this song plays over and over in my head:

The good news of the day is that the termite guy came for our annual inspection and we don't have termites, the winged creatures Zoe dug out of the flower bed were citronella ants (when you squeeze them they smell like citronella), and the yellow jacket nest in the wall of the house isn't very big and they'll die over the winter. $75 is a small price to pay for another bug-free year.

An unrelated but cute quote...on the way to school this morning Aliya said, "When Norah grows up I think she wants to be a bull-rider." Me: "Why?" Aliya: "Because she's always flailing her arms around."

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