Sunday, September 30, 2007

What a Day!

Aliya and I left the house at 9:30 a.m. to go to her soccer tournament, while Ben hung out with Adlani and Norah with strict orders to have them fed and dressed by 12:30. The soccer tournament was great. First they had team and individual photos, then a game and lunch. They also had some games the kids could play - Aliya won a visor - and discontinued team jerseys for sale for $5 each. We booked out of there at 12:20 to go home and pick up everyone else and head to the fun fair at Adlani's preschool.

I got them moving toward the door and drove to BJ's since I forgot that I was supposed to bring something to Aliya's kindergarten picnic. Ben met me in the BJ's parking lot and we drove to preschool. The fun fair was really nice - Aliya and Adlani had a great time playing games and somehow we found 4 more costumes we had to have. For $5 each you can't go wrong. Aliya fell in love with a Bratz costume. Ugh. After about a half hour Aliya and I left to go to her picnic, while Ben oversaw the wild man and Norah, who was contentedly riding around in her stroller.

The kindergarten picnic was a lot of fun. They had a few games for the kids, and lots of food and then a treasure hunt. I felt a little like a minority because most of the people there spoke Spanish. We saw Aliya's teacher and she told me what a great helper Aliya is and that she's their little translator. She said she was like a sponge soaking up the language. We also talked to the principal. We saw our neighbors who have twins in two of the other classes, and also some friends from soccer.

It was a very hectic day but a great time and I'm glad we were able to fit everything in. I think stuff like this really helps the kids feel more like a part of their school.

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