Monday, September 3, 2007

The Flying Wallendas

Yesterday we spent the day at the Spencer Fair. Highlights included:

~ a sheep-sheering exhibition complete with a vigilant sheepdog

~ hands-on cow grooming - Adlani brushed, Aliya combed

~ a calf pooping (Adlani's favorite)

~ pony rides

~ guinea pigs and bunnies for sale (another favorite of Adlani's)

~ gigantic pumpkins

~ various poultry on display

~ karaoke

~ mini-golf

~ tractor and horse team pulling

~ face paint - Lessons learned: Adlani is not old enough to have his face painted and the face painting lady needs to find a new profession. She was not nice and she got mad when he leaned forward and accidentally brushed his red face against her smock. Adlani was supposed to be Spiderman, but he only held still long enough to be a red-faced, white-eyed guy with one black circle. He seemed to like it anyway.

~ rides, rides, rides - Aliya has no fear and went on all of the grown-up rides - ALONE.

~ bags of cotton candy as big as Norah

~ The Flying Wallendas! - They're really great! Amazing!

1 comment:

Ginny and Bernie said...

Cool... a one eyed spiderman