Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hot Tickets!

I woke up this morning with that feeling of anticipation you get when you know something BIG is going to happen, like the first day of school, Christmas Eve, or the day of your annual gynecological exam. I sent Aliya, Adlani, and Ben off to Aliya's soccer game, fed and bathed Norah, cleaned up the kitchen, and bided my time until 10 a.m. when the hottest concert tickets in town were going on sale. No, not the Pussycat Dolls, Bruce Springsteen, or even the John Denver From the Great Beyond Tour. HANNAH MONTANA and MILEY CYRUS!!! For those of you who don't have daughters between the ages of 4 and 14, or who have been living under a rock, Miley Cyrus is the 14-year-old star of the Disney Channel hit series Hannah Montana, and the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus, the Achy Breaky Heart guy. Aliya LOVES Hannah Montana, and last night Karen and I strategized on how we could get Aliya and Victoria to the show, short of paying $500+ per ticket on eBay or sleeping overnight on a Worcester sidewalk.

By 9:50 I had Norah settled in front of the TV, my credit card ready with a back-up just in case, and two computers connected to our high speed fiber optic network and logged into my Ticketmaster account. I was poised on the edge of the couch... 9:57...9:58...9:59...I can't remember the last time I felt such anticipation. I knew that Aliya and Victoria might suffer permanent psychological damage if I couldn't score these tix.

At exactly 10 o'clock I clicked "Find Tickets" on both computers, one for the Friday show and one for the Saturday show. The Saturday computer never even got to the screen where you have to enter the oddball code word that thwarts automated ticket-purchasing programs. The Friday computer, however, coughed up 4 tickets - section 201, Row L. Not bad considering that at least a third of the tickets had already been sold in the fan club presale. By the time my order was complete, the concert was sold out. We'll have to bring the binoculars but at least when the girls look back on 2007 they'll remember that they were *there*...kinda like Woodstock - NOT!

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