Monday, September 17, 2007

Ferberizing (Again!)

Poor Norah never saw it coming. Last week we decided that it's time to dust off Dr. Ferber's book for the third time and get her to go to sleep in her crib. To date, we have been rocking her to sleep with a bottle and then trying to sneak her into her crib without waking her up. Some nights we just go straight to Plan B which is for Ben to take her to bed with him while I work my second shift of the day. She always ends up sleeping with me eventually.

We have a long history with Dr. Ferber. With Aliya, I tried to go by "the book" (any and all books), and I was dead-set against the Moroccan tradition of having her sleep in our bed (because some of the books said that was a bad idea). Tonight I found my notes in the Ferber book from when I Ferberized her at the tender age of 3 months. It took less than a week and I had her sleeping in her crib. It wasn't easy since I had to physically restrain Ben to prevent him from "rescuing" her. I eventually lost the battle against the Moroccan contingent (the in-laws thought it was crazy that Aliya would be sleeping in a separate room) and ended up with her in my bed. She started climbing out of the crib at 18 months and flopping onto the floor, so we put her in a toddler bed. She STILL sleepwalks to my bed almost every night.

When we moved Adlani's crib into Norah's room before she was born, I realized that he had never spent one night in it. He hardly ever napped in it either. At about 18 months we bought him a really cool bunk bed unit and used tough love and Ferberizing to keep him in bed. We still have some rough nights with him, especially since he cries and wakes up Norah, but we're committed. He usually migrates to my bed every night too.

Norah wasn't impressed with the new bedtime ritual but I think it went really well. She cried for about a half hour - not screaming, just fussing, and then fell asleep. Unfortunately, when I went in to check on her she had pooped, so I had to change her and she woke up. I snuggled her a little and put her back in the crib not fully asleep. She cried for about 10 minutes and fell asleep. Adlani woke her up twice more and both times she cried for about 5 minutes and fell back to sleep. Tomorrow WILL be better and then we'll start working on cutting out the 4 a.m. bottle. I'm REALLY looking forward to getting a full 5 hours of sleep a night.
Update: On Norah's second night of falling asleep in her crib, she cried for 12 minutes before zonking out and she didn't wake up again. Yay!
Update #2: On Night 4, Norah slept from 8 p.m. until 4 a.m. in her crib! Yippee!
Update #3: Night 6, less than 2 minutes of crying!!

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