Sunday, March 2, 2008

The 3 rules I try to live by are:

~ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
~ A stitch in time saves nine.
~ A place for everything and everything in its place.

I absolutely HATE it when I don't follow these rules and it results in wasted time or money. I'm usually very susceptible to suggestion, so when Helga mentioned the website, I would normally go right to the site, find a place and time to get a flu shot, and then follow through and get one.

Well, getting a flu shot was a task that fell through the cracks (kinda like getting an IUD, which was on my list until the opportunity passed and Surprise Baby Norah came along). Ben was struck by the flu about a month ago and he took to his bed for 4 days. He said it was the worst he had ever felt. For the first couple of days I thought he was just being a crybaby, but a couple of weeks later I got it. I seriously felt like I was dying. In addition to the fever and respiratory symptoms, the headache and body aches were unbearable. I was SO tired but I had a hard time staying asleep because of the pain. I resorted to using my Hypnobabies (self-hypnosis for childbirth) techniques and that helped a little.

To make matters worse, it was school vacation week so I had to make sure the kids didn't wander off or burn the house down while I was passed out. It was 4 days of hell, then about 3 days of recovery, and a full week to dig out from under the pile. Through it all, the kids were fine...they all had flu shots. Next year, I will too!!!

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