Monday, June 16, 2008

Adios Amigos!

Hopefully it wasn't an omen but we started out the day with Norah puking all over herself on the way home from the bus stop. She was crying hysterically and when I pulled in the driveway and opened the door, she said, "I pooped!" The poor thing. I got her and the car cleaned up and put her down for a nap which lasted 4 hours!! She woke up feeling much better so we continued as planned.

Today was the last day of school and also Aliya's graduation from kindergarten (de ja vu). Aliya has been obsessing about graduation and whether anyone would make a mistake during the songs. I'm becoming very worried that she is a clone of me who will drive herself and everyone else crazy with her expectations. She swore that she was going to get all 4's on her report card and I knew she was setting herself up for a big disappointment. She ended up with all 4's except the Spanish where she got 3's, and 4's for effort. Anyway, someone did shout "O-K" at the wrong time in the song just as she had worried, but the show went on and it was very cute.

We picked up Adlani and after a half hour of throwing the last few things into the car and looking for the spare key (we're still looking), we set off for Denver, Pennsylvania. Actually, we drove around the block once because after hours of loading music in the iPod I thought I forgot the cord. At that point Josh was so ready to get on the road that he said, "We'll buy a new one!" I found the cord in my pocketbook and off we went (again). We avoided NYC this time and had great luck with traffic. We hit a very heavy rain storm which lasted quite a while, but thanks to the rain we saw the highlight of the day - a gorgeous rainbow!

We had lots of activities to occupy our time...

~ The Fox & the Hound and The Bee Movie
~ Lyle Lovett - Joshua Judges Ruth and the soundtrack from Alvin & the Chipmunks
~ Naps! (the first kid to fall asleep got to open the goody bag)
~ Snacks, snacks, and more snacks!
~ Road kill identification - a possible skunk sighting and 2 deer
~ Magnetic transportation and doll house sets
~ A baby and magic baba for Norah
~ Uncle Josh's Rubik's Cube demonstration
~ Attempts to take photos of points of interest, like the stack of squished cars on the back of a truck, mispelled signage, and the sign for Virginville PA.
~ A few rounds of Zobmondo with Uncle Josh as the host ("Would you rather...have 9 fingers or 2 toes? struck by lightning or bitten by a shark? nose pickings on your cereal or an earwax omelet?")

After a pit stop and tank of gas ($3.95/gallon!), we stopped at Pizza Hut and grabbed a very late dinner to take to the hotel. We got here around 10 p.m. Everyone was exhausted but I didn't get Norah to sleep until 11:45. It's a good thing we're not in a hurry tomorrow morning. Four more emails and I'm going to hit the hay too.


1 comment:

Dee said...

Lori is my hero...I swear it...