Friday, June 20, 2008

Well I'm Hot Blooded, Check It And See

Adlani has been running a high fever (102-104 degrees) since yesterday afternoon. The fact that I have to hold him down and force-feed him Motrin doesn't help. He's fine when the Motrin brings down his fever but when the medication wears off he's a mess - chills, aches, etc. If he's not better tomorrow we're going to take him to the walk-in clinic.

We had a very low-key day here with Auntie Kristin and Uncle Elijah, which was exactly what we needed. I got some work done and the kids had long naps. Grammy and Popi are here so there's a houseful, but the house is beautiful and can accommodate all of us without a problem. Our big event of the day was a walk down to the barn for a visit with the goats, including Turner, a bottle-fed orphan. We're going to go to the other barn to see the rest of the herd tomorrow. They have recently had 60 babies so there are LOTS of goats to play with.

The highlights of the day as related by Adlani to Ben were riding in the "trunk" (aka way-back) and wearing the helmet modeled by Norah below. They're easily amused.

Click on any photo to enlarge:


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