Sunday, July 27, 2008


The experts say that the funeral service is an important part of the grieving process, and brings closure for family and friends. I guess it's true because I haven't felt right about posting the mundane events in our lives but after Bernie's memorial service last Friday I'm starting to feel like I should get back at it. Bernie loved to look at our blog and see what the kids were up to. When I opened his computer I found that he had saved all of the pictures from the blog to his hard drive, and was using one as wallpaper on his desktop. He would want me to keep posting about the joys and mishaps, the proud moments, and the things that get stuck in noses. Maybe they even have internet access in heaven.

Bernie's service was beautiful. The pastor was the same one who married Ginny and Bernie, a close family friend. The church was nondenominational, and I was impressed with the level of charity work they do around the globe. As the church lady was giving someone directions over the phone she said, "There are people out front holding up peace can't miss it." I should mention that it was pouring rain while they were standing beside the road with their signs. Ben told me later that he was tempted to grab a sign and join the protest. The food was catered and delicious. The dessert was provided by Bernie's cousin - a sheet cake with Bernie's picture on it. By the time I went to get a piece, everyone had cut around Bernie and all that was left was his head and torso. I felt a little weird about eating a piece of cake with Bernie's picture on it, but Aliya said, "Hey! Can I have Grampa B's head?!" I guess she's not superstitious. One of Ginny's friends' grandaughter helped with the kids, which was fabulous. The DVD went over well, and some people stood and watched it several times.

Ginny is spending the next 2 weeks in Syracuse to go to some doctors' appointments and take care of business. Then she'll be back with us for a few months. I still find it amazing that someone would choose to immerse themselves in the chaos of our home, but she probably welcomes the distraction. I definitely welcome the extra pair of hands. Bernie, if you're reading this, we miss you a lot a lot a lot. Send me a sign if you can.

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