Monday, July 14, 2008

Nursemaid's Elbow

I've got a lot of catching up to do but I guess I'll start with the most recent events and work backward...

Norah and I spent yesterday afternoon at Harrington Memorial Hospital in Southbridge (birthplace of Mary Fahy if I remember correctly). Sitting there holding my alternately whimpering or screaming toddler, I felt like I had BAD MOMMY stamped on my forehead, even thought I WAS NOT the parent responsible for sending Norah to the ER.

We were out at camp and Ben and the kids were playing in the water. The kids love to be swished around by their arms or dunked off the dock, and during one of these activities Norah started to complain that her arm hurt. She kept pointing to her elbow and wouldn't lift her arm or grasp anything.

As soon as assured the ER nurse that Norah was asleep, not unconscious, and explained the symptoms, she asked if we were swishing her around in the water and immediately diagnosed Nursemaid's Elbow. I can't believe I've never heard of it, since it is very common in kids under 5. After the doctor went to read up on the procedure (very reassuring - NOT!), she twisted Norah's arm until it popped back in and Norah immediately started using it again and walked out of the ER with her popsicle and a big smile, good as new.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lori- If sherry has not told you this yet. I did that to Jarod not to long ago. Not a good feeling knowing you hurt your child as you where playing with them. rob