Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bribery Makes The World Go Around

I'm not afraid to admit it. I use bribery as one of my core parenting techniques. Don't get me wrong...there are things that they are responsible for, and there's no cash payout for doing them. I don't bribe them to brush their teeth or go to bed. BUT...there are times when a buck can really ease the pain.
The problem now is...they're getting a little greedy. Last week we were getting ready to head out in the morning and I announced, "Whoever finds my bra gets a quarter!" Woohoo! 25 whole cents! Aliya gave me "the look" and said, "I'm NOT finding your bra for a quarter." Me: "How much?" Aliya: "A dollar." Me: "Not likely. Adlani - do you want a quarter?" And off he ran. 25 cents is a small price to pay to protect the other parents and teachers in the drop off line from seeing me braless.
My bribery technique has backfired a few times though. One day I had all 3 kids in my office...I have no idea why since not only did I get no work done, everyone else got no work done. It's hard to walk an architect through the components and operation of a delayed egress system when the child in the desk chair is vomiting as he is spun at warp speed by the other 2. Anyway, as we prepared to leave my coworkers in peace, I said, "Let's see who can find my keys." Adlani said, "What do we get?" in hopes that the reward would be one of the yummy snacks we have stocked in the office kitchen. I said, "You don't have to have your daily beating today." And off they ran. Thirty seconds later they were on their way back, with Adlani leading the pack holding the keys aloft and screaming, "YAY!!! WE DON'T HAVE TO GET OUR BEATING TODAY!!!"
Oh well...I guess it's probably good for my coworkers to think I'm on the edge of losing it too.

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