Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend Update

It was actually a fairly quiet weekend around here, at least by Greenabderrazak standards. First and foremost, Adlani has recovered from Norah's attack on his eyeball and we now realize that we should have enjoyed the quiet time last weekend. He's definitely making up for lost time. He opened his eyes last Saturday night in time to see the Pussycat Dolls on the Kids Choice Awards, or maybe it was the presence of the Funsecas that motivated him. Either way, we were relieved that he stopped walking around with his eyes closed. He missed out on the gymnastics event for Blocks, but I took the girls and we won a free session. Grandma Ginny was here for the weekend so we dragged her around to all of the usual weekend events.

On Monday Ben took Adlani to Children's for a follow-up visit and I met them there. We saw the same resident, Dr. Chang, as well as an ophthalmologist. The exam was pure torture. Ben left halfway through to go meet Aliya's bus and it spiraled downhill from there. The doctor needed to look at Adlani's eye and he wouldn't cooperate so I finally had to put him into a Full Nelson and she flipped the chair back so I was flat on my back. Dr. Chang held Adlani's hands, I had my legs wrapped around his legs, my arms around his arms, and my hand on his head so he wouldn't head-butt me under the chin, and the doctor pried open his eye and looked at it. He is certainly strong-willed. He wouldn't cooperate during the vision test, so now we have to go back in 2 months because the doctor thinks one eye is weaker than the other and he may need a patch. Personally, I think it's just that he has a bad attitude and wouldn't identify the damn shapes. Anyway, I've got until the end of May to get him used to doing the vision test. Bribery will be involved.

The week flew by as they all do, and at midnight on Thursday night I realized that Friday night was pajama night at Blocks and I really needed to put up the new wish list board before then. I did that after school on Friday and I was SO RELIEVED to have it up. I won't have to do another one this year. Yay! Pajama night was fun, except when the performer pointed to Adlani and said, "Will the parent of this child please come up and get him?" Oy. He's really going through a bad phase right now - not listening, roughhousing...I guess it's all part of being a little boy but I'll be very happy if he ever comes out the other side of this phase.

Saturday morning was the usual...Zumba for me and indoor soccer/swimming for Ben and the kids. I had a wicked headache and spent a few hours on the couch. After I recovered I took Aliya to see Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D which was actually pretty good. Ben took the little monsters to visit his mom who just got back from Holland. This morning we finally replaced the bathroom window, and Aliya had a dance workshop this afternoon. Auntie Monica and Uncle Brady brought dinner and we had a nice visit with them. The kids were all a little crazy so Brady & Monica got their quarterly dose of birth control which I think is the main reason they came over.

Bedtime couldn't come soon enough!

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