Thursday, April 23, 2009


We had the wrap-up meeting for the fitness challenge at the Y tonight and our team won! Between the 5 team members we lost 47 pounds. I haven't been able to work out much in the last 2 weeks because either my ankle, knee, or back has been killing me and Dr. Bob keeps telling me to take it easy, so my expectations weren't very high. I got on the scale tonight and flicked the little thingie to the right. The scale stayed firmly in the down position. I started moving it to the left pound by pound and the scale didn't move until I got down to the next set of numbers. Even with the minor setback of the last 2 weeks and the fact that I had to weigh in at night, I've lost 10 pounds! Since last year at this time I've lost about 20 pounds, but I've only been serious about trying to lose weight for 2 periods of about 2 months each. I'm hoping that my new habits will stick this time and that my injuries will heal so I can actually get some good workouts in! I'm nowhere near where I want to be but at least I'm headed in the right direction. I'll try to find some photos to post shortly.

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