Friday, December 11, 2009

Funny Man

The problem with Adlani is that one of the things that makes him so cute and lovable - his sense of humor, gets him in big trouble in school.  I'm assuming that at some point he'll figure out when it's the right time to be funny and when to shut up, but right now he has no clue.  I feel like by laughing at his shenanigans we're setting him up to spend time in the principal's office but what else can we do?  I mean, it's his personality!  How can we tell him not to be funny?

In situations like this I think about what if someone told me that I had to change my personality.  For example, if I wish Ben would be more emotional, what if he told me to "Stop being so emotional!"  Or if I wanted him to socialize more and be more comfortable with people he doesn't know well, what if he asked me to "Stop socializing!  No more talking to people!"  Impossible!  So if I want Adlani to stop being such a comedian, that would be just as hard for him as if I ordered a shy and somber kid to "Be funnier!  Be more outgoing!"  Do you see what I'm saying?

So today, Adlani got in trouble in school (again).  He has been saying "poop" and "butt" a lot, this morning he waved his boots around on his hands, apparently in a classmate's face, and when a kid insulted him and wouldn't stop ("You're the worst kid in the whole school!"), Adlani grabbed him by the throat.  Oops.  I was really upset about it, so I sat him down to discuss it, and then I told him he couldn't go to the holiday party at the YMCA tonight.  Ben tried to get me to change my mind, and even questioned why the teacher hadn't waited until Monday to tell me so it wouldn't ruin Adlani's weekend (???), but I held my ground.

Ben took Norah to the party and I took Aliya to the Funseca's for Vic's birthday party.  Adlani had to stay in the car when I dropped Aliya off rather than going inside to see his friend Shane.  Then for the ultimate punishment, I took him Christmas shopping at Kohl's.  I told him that I was looking for pajamas for Grammy (my mother), and while I was looking at various options, I heard him say, with enthusiasm, "This would be perfect for Grammy!"  I glanced over and almost peed my pants.  The "pajamas" (I use the term loosely) that he selected for Grammy are pictured below.  He LOVED them!  He was obsessed with the sculpted cups and kept zooming in on my phone for a closer look after I took the picture.

Amusing?  Or inappropriate?  Maybe I'm the problem.

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