Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Move that Bus!!!

It has been a long and messy couple of weeks, but after an incredible amount of help from Grampa B and Grandma Ginny, we finally finished Aliya's room and the two new closets for Aliya and Adlani. We had the big reveal last night and Aliya was blown away. At bedtime when I said, "I'm glad you like your room," she said, "I don't LIKE it...I LOVE it!!!" She said it made her feel like a big girl. That's not surprising considering that she still had her Noah's Ark nursery wallpaper. One of her comments was, "I don't know how I'm ever going to thank you guys." She's such a mini-adult. The closets are a huge improvement over the 15" closets that couldn't hold a standard hanger. Aliya also ended up with a shoe cubby that holds about 24 pairs of shoes, and lots of dresser drawers for clothes, art supplies, etc. I'm hoping with a nice fresh start she will be inspired to keep it clean and clutter-free. If anyone likes the colors we have a leftover gallon of paint in each color.


1 comment:

Karen said...

Love the room! Extreme makeover! Aliya is lucky to have such a talented crew