Friday, August 15, 2008


My coworker Jeremy showed me this picture on Monday and I've been thinking about it all week. He took it while driving 65 on the highway (I won't go into a lecture on taking photos while driving since there were extenuating circumstances). Now I'll admit, I've tried to read directions while driving and I sometimes put on makeup at red lights, but Danielle Steel in Boston traffic?! Come on!

Surprisingly, one survey reported 26% of respondents had seen another driver reading while driving. How could you live with yourself if you caused an accident because you couldn't put down your Danielle Steel novel long enough to drive home and pour yourself a glass of wine?

If my brother Brady is reading this he'll add a comment about when I was in high school and I would make him steer the car while I applied my makeup on the way to school. I also used to slam on the brakes and scream just to see if I could get him to pee his pants. I only went in the ditch one time, but at some point I decided it was time to get serious to avoid killing or maiming anyone. At least until Aliya's old enough to sit in the front and hold the wheel steady while I'm otherwise occupied.

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