Friday, November 20, 2009

Random Moments

Just a few random moments from the last 24 hours...

I was trying to get Adlani to admit to something that allegedly happened in the boys' bathroom so during my interrogation I told him that I would be reviewing the security camera footage from the bathroom.  He sang like a canary.  Aliya was listening in, and during breakfast she kept asking questions about the security camera.  I asked her, "Is there something you want to tell me?"  She said, "Well, one time I flushed the toilet and water came out of a pipe."

Yesterday, our VP of Commercial Sales (my boss' boss' boss) left a comment on my work blog.  It said, "Lori….great site… is clear to me that you spend a significant amount of time and effort keeping this site up to date and relevant for a broad audience. Keep up the great work!!!!!!"

Last night I watched a Youtube video on how to light the pilot light on our gas fireplace, and I was able to light it on the first try (a few weeks ago I gave up after trying to get it lit for 10 minutes).

A few minutes before we were due to leave the house this morning, I walked into the dining room just in time to see Adlani spinning his glass of milk and then the entire glass dumped down the front of him and all over the floor.

When I walked into Norah's preschool today I heard her teacher say, "Uh-oh!  Somebody lost something!"  There was a big turd on the floor outside the bathroom.

When I was talking to two friends who are also school administrators about Adlani's latest issue at school (exposing himself to a friend in the bathroom), one of the administrators said, "Oh son did that on the bus."  On the bus??  I feel better!

Norah has been having a hard time following the rules at school so this morning I gave her a stern talking-to when I dropped her off.  After school I asked her how the day went and of course she said that she followed all the rules and didn't get into any trouble.  I said that I was going to call her teacher and asked if there was anything she wanted to tell me first, and she said, "I did NOT poke Gordon in the eye, and I did NOT push Nicolas."

Aliya got off the bus this afternoon (Friday at 3:45) and said that something was dangling off her braces.  We rushed to the dentist's office and they patched her up even though they were closing for the weekend.  Dr. B ROCKS!

This cracked me up:, especially the comment.

Ben just took the kids to the Y for free swim, and I'm going to take a 1-hour nap so I can enjoy my alone-time later. I am starting the weekend with a clean house, a clean car, and all of the laundry done.  Maybe I'll actually be able to get past the bare-minimum cleaning and maintenance to some of the bigger items on my to-do list this weekend.

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