Sunday, November 22, 2009


Before I begin, let me state for the record that I have Aliya's permission to publish the following, since I don't think any moms of the boys on the list read this blog.  If you have kids that go to our school, Aliya requests that you not draw their attention to this entry.

So, last week at an evening event for school, I noticed that Aliya was hanging out with a certain boy with the initials JCO.  After the event she mentioned that he looks a lot like a boy she has had a crush on since she was 4 years old and they were on the same YMCA soccer team - J.A.  She was going on about J.C.O. so I asked if she liked him now, instead of J.A.  She thought for a moment and then proclaimed, "He's ON my list!"

"The List" is entitled, "boy's I have a crush on," and includes 13 names.  #12 has an added notation that he's in 5th grade!  Apparently the Drama Club is the place to meet *older boys*.  Some of the names have Xs next to them but they're in pencil so they can be removed and rewritten as needed.

Tonight Aliya brought me a note that she wrote to J.A. (J.C.O. currently has an X), and she asked for my advice.  The note says, "Dear J**** I now I have always acted like I heat you but the trooth is I have a big crush on you.  And I keep hearing from diferent peaple that you told them you have a crush on me.  So pleas dont get mad and crumple the paper just tell me if you realy do like me."


My advice was a) she should rewrite the note so it's not so messy, and b) I wouldn't reveal my crush upfront.  When she was agonizing about whether to give him the note or not, and how she was going to catch him alone as he came out of the boys' bathroom, I said, "Why don't I just write him a note?"  I meant it as an incentive for her to stop dilly-dallying and either do it or don't.

Well, she thought it was a pretty good idea!  She said to make sure I include her full name since there are other Aliyas at other schools, and that I should say "from Lori G / Aliya's mother," not "Love, Lori" (my trademark signature since junior high).

I don't think she has made the final decision on what her plan is going to be, but I'm glad she hasn't reached the age of parental disdain because then I wouldn't have this picture for posterity.  I just love how she decorated the envelope with math problems!

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