Sunday, November 29, 2009

Swine Flu and Hulu

This is a clip straight out of my life (Thanks Johnny!):

But it jives perfectly with the topic(s) of this post. I woke up this morning feeling much better but I think I may have overestimated my level of recovery. As good as it felt to be up and outside in the fresh air, I felt a little woozy, and ended up taking a long nap this afternoon. I woke up with my throat on fire again and feeling a little flushed. What's my temp? I wish I knew.

I am a HUGE fan of order. I REALLY like to know where certain things are. I used to know where each and every thing I owned was (no lie), but I had to loosen my grip when Ben entered my life. As each kid came along it got looser until now I'm pretty happy if I know the location of my keys, wallet, computer, camera, phone, daily prescription medication (no, it's not Prozac), toothbrush, my personal multi-tool set (inscribed, "Seriously, Do Not Touch.") and the thermometer. Everything else I can pretty much work around, but I need to know where those things are. It's scary how often those items go missing and how much time I spend looking for them.

Predictably, now that I feel flushed and Norah's cheeks are pink and she's complaining of being cold, the thermometer is gone. We've looked everywhere and Ben is headed to Target to buy a new one and stock up on Children's Motrin. I hate re-buying something I already own!!! Whatever. I'm over it.  That's a tip though...Motrin helps a lot with the flu symptoms. 

So on to the other topic of this post - I heard about it a while back but I have been so overloaded with STUFF TO DO that I have not watched ANY TV for months. NONE. Now that I'm beyond the worst part of the flu but still prone to spending hours in bed, Johnny's clip reminded me to go check it out. I've been catching up on all of my favorite shows and I now realize how much I missed my old friends from Seattle Grace and Wisteria Lane.

And today I found a new ABC show on Hulu that's right up my alley since I like to sob through entire TV shows - Find My Family.  You can watch the first episode here (get the tissues):  I think the "family tree" on the majestic hillside is a little hokey, but I'm a sucker for reunions so I can look past the tree.      

If you haven't had enough swine flu information yet, here's a personal account that's very accurate:

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