Saturday, April 19, 2008

Class of 2022?

I had a parent-teacher conference for Adlani this week and he has apparently made great strides since the beginning of the school year. We need to work on his writing ability...he hasn't mastered holding a pencil yet and hasn't chosen a dominant hand. He's very good at building things though, so it's not a question of motor skills. While I was talking to the teacher he completely filled the triangle frame with tiles. The teacher said she had never seen any of the kids do it.
Today I was the mystery reader for Adlani's class. I read "Somebody and the Three Blairs" and "Prince Cinders". The kids loved the books, although I almost completely lost it when they all started shouting out comments about the big hairy monkey's butt. The teacher and I were hysterical. Aliya is going to be the mystery reader on June 2nd for Adlani's current class and the Spanish immersion class he'll be in next year. She's already practicing.

I talked to Adlani's teacher and the director about kindergarten readiness. I'm sure you all know that I've been struggling with whether to hold him back or not. I learned today that if his teacher (next year) strongly feels that he should be held back, he can stay at BLOCKS for another year, but it won't be my decision. If she thinks he's ready for kindergarten and I disagree, he'll have to go to Next Generation or another private school. It actually feels good to have the decision taken out of my hands and into more qualified hands. My impression today was that they don't currently see any delays that would require him to be held back.

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