Friday, April 4, 2008


Whenever Aliya has a wiggly tooth, she lets it hang out of her gums until it's dangling by a thread. It's so disgusting that even her bus driver told her today that she wanted Aliya's wiggly tooth gone by Monday. She had several wiggly ones but only one ultra-wiggly disgusting one. During Movie Night tonight, Aliya ran down from the attic screaming. Ninja Norah had kicked her in the mouth and knocked out her tooth, but not the ultra-wiggly one. While we were trying to stop the bleeding, another tooth popped out - AGAIN...not the ultra-wiggly one!! I finally just reached in on the pretense of dabbing up a little blood and snatched the disgusting one out. Luckily, she didn't want to leave our bedroom to sleep with the three teeth under her pillow, so the Tooth Fairy has until tomorrow night to come up with enough dough to cover the triple payment.


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