Saturday, April 5, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

One morning this week I was having a particularly hard time getting the kids out the door, and I had asked Adlani to put his coat on at least 12 times. On the 13th time I said, "Adlani! Put on your frickin coat!!" With a big grin on his face, he yelled, "Hey Aliya! Mommy said the double-E word!" That kid has GOT to learn his letters. It's an F-Word! Not THE F-Word...more like an F-Minor.

This morning at the bus stop...

Aliya: "Mommy, have you ever been in jail?"
Me: "No."
Aliya: "Well, Daddy said you were."
Me: "WHAT???"
Aliya: "Daddy told me yesterday that you were in jail."
Me: "And what was I in jail for?"
Aliya: "For hitting and scratching Daddy. You were in jail for 18 days, 4 hours, and you kept begging him to let you out, and then you said you'd give him all the ice cream and he let you out."
Me to Ben via cell phone: "Would you please refrain from telling people that I've done jail time?"
Ben: "Oh, I was just kidding around. Hahahaha."

WTF?!?! The kids think that any piece of news they happen to hear is worth sharing with everyone they know. I'm sure all of the teachers at school think I'm an ex-con. For the record, I have not been in jail yet. That could change when I get my hands on Ben.

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