Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Norah's Big Day

I've been doing my best to prepare Norah for her first day of preschool all summer.  She's been going to day care since she was a few months old and she's very familiar with her new preschool and teacher since Adlani went to preschool there, so everyone thought she would be fine. I had my doubts, and last week when she cried in the bathroom line at orientation, "Because you was lost," I really wondered how she would do today.
We were all very excited this morning and kept cheering and saying it was her first day of preschool, but when I looked in the backseat I could tell she was a little unsettled...she'd have a pensive look on her face and then she'd smile when we cheered.  When I pulled up to the drop-off line and jumped out, Jannine (teacher and traffic-director-extrodinaire) yelled, "I think I just saw confetti come out of your muffler!!!"  I admit, it is very exciting to reach the milestone of one kid in preschool, both financially and also because I know Norah will thrive there. 
I had described the drop-off procedure to her several times, like a very exciting bedtime story (as if she hadn't seen Adlani dropped off 360 times in the last two years).  I wanted to make sure she knew that the teacher taking her from the car to the school wouldn't be Maria, but that Maria would be waiting inside.  We practiced waving goodbye and we pretend-fought over whether she wanted Mommy or Daddy to pick her up from her extended-day class.  We described the delights of the playground, sandbox, gym, and cafeteria, and all of the activities that she could do in the classroom (most of which we don't let her do at home...Play-Doh for example).
So when we arrived at the drop-off spot, extremely late because of all the criers and picture-takers, she jumped out of her car seat, I put her backpack on, handed her the nap bag, and off she went.  I have to admit, a couple of tears leaked out (of me), but they were tears of joy because I know she's in a great program and will have so much fun.  She'll also be fluent in Spanish before she enters kindergarten...just a little added bonus.   

Great Job Norah!!!

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