Friday, September 18, 2009

Rough Start

Yesterday was an extremely long day (more on that later), and I fell asleep while I was putting the kids to bed.  This morning I woke up to a mound of dishes in the sink, no clean drink bottles or snack containers in the cabinets, and backpacks, lunch/snack bags, and drink bottles still in the car.

By the time I got everyone semi-clean, dressed, and downstairs, I had 20 minutes to make 3 lunches, 4 snacks, 7 to-go drinks, and 3 breakfasts.  I know a bunch of you think that I have my act together, but that's what it is - an act.  Just ask the kids.

This morning I exhibited every form of unmommylike behavior.  I cried, yelled, spanked, swore, threw dirty dishes in the sink, lectured on the number of hungry kids there are in the world, and used the sink sprayer on Adlani.  I ended up with a pounding headache, Norah was late to "Circle Time" at school, we missed the bus by a long shot and Aliya and Adlani were also late to school.  It's amazing what one sinkful of dirty dishes can do to your day.      

And by the way...Ben...if you're reading this...putting the drink bottles with the plastic ice still inside through the dishwasher and back into the cupboard is not helpful.   

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