Friday, May 8, 2009

Mystery Marks

I should post this photo as a little contest to see if anyone can guess what the heck you're looking at. You should be able to tell by the spider veins and orange-peel texture that it's my thigh, and I'll give you a hint. It's the reason I'm not getting my 5 hours of good sleep per night.

It's a frickin' footprint! Those are 5 little toes imprinted on my thigh! When I woke up early this morning I looked down and was momentarily flummoxed about the mystery marks, but that's what they are. And not so shocking either, since I woke up (AGAIN!) with 3 kids in the bed. When will they stop liking me so much and become remote ornery pre-adolescents?! Go slam your door and crank up the tunes already! I'm old and uncool, and no fun in bed! GIT!!!

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