Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Last week I chaperoned Adlani's field trip to the Southwick Zoo. It was fun but between the 1-hour bus rides each way, the time necessary to load about 300 kids, teachers, and chaperones on the buses (twice) and the fact that we only had the buses from 9:30 to 1:30, we spent a very short time at the zoo. The kids didn't seem to mind, though. There were lots of baby favorite was a baby monkey and the baby giraffe was also really cool. The kids' favorite part was when were in the petting zoo and I looked at a hugely pregnant goat and said, "Wow! What do you think is inside this goat's tummy?" while also rubbing the tummy in question. The goat chose that moment to let loose and the kids all screamed "POOP!!!" Seriously, when I asked them later what their favorite part of the trip was, that was it. As far as I know, nobody got bus-sick, had an "accident" (literal or figurative), and I didn't lose either of my chaperonees, so the field trip was a success.


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