Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Tradition

As I said in a much earlier post about the "no peeing" sign, when Aliya asks me a question, I usually answer it very honestly because I always want her to come to me with her questions. But nobody's perfect, right?

When we were putting up the Christmas tree Ben cooked a beef tenderloin for dinner. When we took it out of the package it turned out to be two long skinny pieces of beef that had been marinated. Aliya was like, "Ew! What's that?!" I told her that it was cow tongue. She said that she didn't like cow tongue and I told her that it's a Christmas tradition that I always cook cow tongue when we put up the tree. She said, "Did I eat it last year?" I assured her that she did and promptly forgot all about it. I guess she must have eaten it because I didn't notice her hiding it under her broccoli or feeding it to the dog.

A couple of weeks later we were on the way to school and she started talking about traditions. I think they had been talking about them in class. She said, "I know one of our traditions! We always eat cow tongue when we're putting up the Christmas tree!" I laughed so hard. The poor thing. I hope she didn't throw that one out during the class discussion.

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