Sunday, December 28, 2008

Homemade Ice Cream

The kids have been clamoring to try out one of our Christmas gifts - the LL Bean Play & Freeze Ice Cream Maker. When I hit the outlet for the 50%-off kids' stuff sale, I bought the mega-size ball which makes a quart of ice cream. The marketing pitch is that it makes ice cream without electricity so you can take it camping, which I guess is true as long as you have plenty of space to stow it and an unlimited supply of ice.

I convinced Ben that our two measley ice cube trays wouldn't be enough and sent him out for a bag of ice while I mixed the ingredients - cream or half-and-half, sugar, vanilla, and for our recipe - chopped Hershey kisses. I packed one end of the ball with ice and kosher salt (rock salt is recommended and we were fresh out) and poured the cream mixture into the other end.

The kids rolled it around for about 10 minutes and then I took over when they lost interest. I had to reload it with ice a couple of times so I'd recommend having 2 bags of ice on hand if you use the mega-size ball (there's also a smaller ball that makes a pint of ice cream). It took quite a bit longer than the directions stated, but after about half an hour there was actually ice cream in there! It was a little soft but it hardened up when I stuck the leftovers in the freezer. There was plenty for the 6 of us and it was really good. And if nothing else it was a clumped Norah's rainbow sprinkles together so she could shovel them into her mouth.

4 1/2 stars!! If I can teach Annie to roll it around I'll give it 5!

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