Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Doctor Bob

After my 24 hours on the couch I was still in a lot of pain, so I hobbled over to my favorite chiropractor, Doctor Bob. He fixed me up and said that my lower back, pelvis, hips, knees, and ankles were all out of alignment. I felt so much better after my adjustment, and the best news was that he thinks he can help with my plantar fasciitis.

I had a follow-up adjustment today and I ended up with all three kids there playing with Doctor Bob's cool stuff. He's got a full-scale model of a spine and a real whale vertebra. I told them that Doctor Bob is a magician, so they were transfixed during the adjustment, waiting for him to levitate me. Afterward Adlani said, "That wasn't magic...that was just a lot of rubbing." Works for me.

He IS a magician though. When Norah was two months old she had an ear infection, and most exams after that showed fluid in her ears. It couldn't drain because she was so little. Her pediatrician sent her for a hearing test, which was very unscientific and unconvincing for me, but the ear doctor said that I had to decide immediately whether to have surgery for tubes in her ears, or to buy hearing aids. She was 7 months old at the time. I took her to Doctor Bob for 4 adjustments. She had an appointment with her pedi on the day of the 4th visit and had no fluid in her ears. When I told the pedi that I had taken her to the chiropractor, he said, "Well, maybe it was just time for the fluid to drain on its own." Ugh!

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